Wonder of the week
How Does Earth’s Surface Affect Culture?
My map
kedgley to liver intermediate school. is 7.86 km know i know how long it takes to go to liver intermediat school.
How to use your character/Use it?
Use the arrows to move your character.
left,right,jump and space bar.
Press the space bar to give kindness
move your character to the hearts to shear your kindness.
I rote about cyber smart and it was interesting. I lent how to react when someone is trash talking.
By: Farhan
All about myself
<img src=”https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vS3fT6XyXNBYGKnorpHwLHpwgzohOZAkKm93C-tyRreTd67eTZR_1FtuxPCkCixKOMQ0qfxAKqnz2UH/pub?w=397&h=567″>
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